
Showing posts from July, 2017

Video Gamon The Movie Teaser Official

Video Gamon The Movie Teaser Official Go HERE for the video on YouTube! (Higher Quality) This is a video made not by me, but Multhraine, a "good" friend of mine (guild member). This video is the teaser of the movie called "Gamon: The Movie" (or "The Wrath of Gamon"/"The Revenge of Gamon"/others) It is also posted on TheWoWcrafters (The World of Warcrafters) YouTube channel. - The Best And Leading WoW Private Server download  file  now

Video on How to Bypass password in iPhone

Video on How to Bypass password in iPhone Here is a video on youtube that shows how to bypass the iPhone's passcode security feature and how to fix it. New way to bypass Iphone 4 passcode / password Hack was confirmed already by Apple. According to AllThingsD - "Reached for comment, Apple said it is hard at work on a fix. �Apple takes user security very seriously� spokeswoman Trudy Muller told AllThingsD. �We are aware of this issue, and will deliver a fix in a future software update.�"Continue Reading � download  file  now

Video Mesum Pelajar SMP Kediri Memory Sumber Podang

Video Mesum Pelajar SMP Kediri Memory Sumber Podang Kesekian kalinya video mesum yang diperankan oleh pelajar menggoyang masyarakat Kediri. Video berdurasi, 6 menit 15 detik tersebut menggambarkan sebuah adegan layaknya suami-istri yang diperankan oleh seorang perempuan ABG (Anak Baru Gede�) mengenakan pakaian seragam sekolah tingkat SMP, atasan putih-bawah rok biru dengan seorang pemuda sebaya. Video tersebut beredar luas melalui fasilitas bloetooth dari satu Hand phone (HP) ke HP yang diberi judul � Memory Sumber Podang�. Sumber podang adalah, salah satu tempat wisata Kabupaten Kediri berupa bendungan di daerah pegunungan. Tempat ini terletak di Dusun Karangnongko, Desa Joho, Kecamatan Semen. Karena kurang terawat dan kurang mendapat perhatian dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri, maka kondisinya lebih sering sepi. Hanya saja, apabila liburan sekolah datang, biasanya tempat ini dipakai untuk berkemah. Ada benarnya jika adegan mesum pelajar dalam video itu terjadi di Sumber Podang. Ini te...

Using conditionals before adding columns to a table in SQL server

Using conditionals before adding columns to a table in SQL server Working with databases is not as easy as it looks like, specially if you are working with production databases. When a database is production you need to be very careful with the changes you make, adding, removing tables, columns, changing data, etc. Once a database is in production you use incremental scripts in order to push new updates into it. These incremental scripts need to handle everything and they do not have to have any errors and must be able to run multiple times if it is needed. One thing I keep seeing in lots of incremental scripts are the lack of verification before they are executed. The other day I asked one of my developers to add one column to a table and also to write the respective incremental script and UI controller. This is what I got: ALTER TABLE [table]   ADD [column_name] VARCHAR ( 10 ) DEFAULT [defaultvalue] ; There are a couple of things i do not like about this script but one of them wa...

Using the Alfresco Activiti Enterprise with PostgreSQL

Using the Alfresco Activiti Enterprise with PostgreSQL When you download and install the trial version of Alfresco Activiti, you get a functional server, ready to be used for tests, but the database is configured to use H2. If you want to play with it in a more production like environment, the ideal is to have it connected to a "real" database. In my case, Im running this Activiti instance in the same server I already have an Alfresco for development, which is already connected to a local PostgreSQL server. Because of that, I decided to configure Activiti to use PostgreSQL too. The required steps are easy, and are available in the official documentation here What Im going to do here is to provide an as easy to follow step by step procedure to make it work as quick as possible. Getting the installer In order to get the installer, you have to fill in a form at

uTorrent PRO Latest Version

uTorrent PRO Latest Version uTorrent PRO 3.4.3 crack is a Fullversion latest update Fullversion Torent Downloader software. uTorrent PRO 3.4.3 is an efficient, feature rich and built for speed and latest update with high Performance. That means ultra-efficient downloads of mega-sized files. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in �Torrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT. in this uTorrent PRO 3.4.3 have best protection and best Torrent Client and Virus Protect Software. uTorrent PRO 3.4.3 crack & key is totaly adds free and downlad with full and free use. uTorrent PRO Latest Version  Tose peoplae re loving download torent file and always want to high speed torent download facility and more this Fullversion uTorrent PRO 3.4.3 version 2015 software for them. hope you will like this one.  Download download  file  now